Gynecomastia is the presence of tissue excess on the chest area in male. In case of presence of mammary gland, the daignosis is true gynecomastia. And in case of the presence of fatty tissue, the diagosis is pseudo-gynecomastia.
The diagnosis of gynecomastia in Geneva is made by a clinical examination. It is completed by an ultrasound which highlights the presence of the mammary gland. A hormonal assessment with dosage of blood prolactin makes it possible to rule out hormonal disorders which are exceptional.
The treatment of gynecomastia is always surgical. However, in adolescents, it is preferred to wait until the end of growth. Because the majority of cases, we can hope for an involution of the mammary gland.
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An algorithm makes it possible to choose, according to the type of gynecomastia, the most adopted technique. The most used techniques are glandular excision by an incision around the areola. This technique can be supplemented by liposuction to extract the excess fat that accompanies certain gynecomastia and to improve the aesthetic result. In the case of pseudo-gynecomastia, liposuction alone is generally sufficient, because there is no mammary gland.
In some severe cases, in addition to the presence of gland and excess of fat, there is also an excess of skin with tissue ptosis. If the excess skin is moderate and the skin is elastic, liposuction alone allows the skin to retract.
Sometimes, due to greater skin excess, liposuction can be combined with a Renuvion treatment. This technique makes it possible to treat more important skin excess.
Finally, in case of severe excess skin, skin excision is mandatory inorder to obtain a good result. This requires a scar all around the areola, or even in some cases, a vertical scar descending from the areola to the pectoral groove.